Back when pagers were all the rage and schools still had typing classes, I was a sassy little chatterbox who got in trouble in Louisiana History class and as punishment, my parents took away my TV privileges. If that wasn’t bad enough, they took away my books, too! It was like Fahrenheit 451 in the Devers’ household.
I was a voracious reader, so that was some coooold-blooded punishment. Needless to say, I was miserable and as dramatic as only a pre-teen can be. I missed my stories, so I decided to write my own. Sitting at the kitchen table, I scribbled out two funky tales… and they were weird. Like super weird. But I didn’t care.
I’d discovered the rush of storytelling, the power of words and I was hooked. Since then, I’ve written everything from website content and screenplays to comedy sketches and video blurbs for a hula hooping website. Yes, hula hooping is a thing and it’s amazing!